Talkin' MAGA

Episode #2 - The Freedom Pact with America!

MAGA Mike Season 1 Episode 2

The country is a MESS!  The border, the economy, election cheating, Foreign wars laundering tax payer money (yes, you Ukraine!), and on and on...

The Republicans in congress (yeah, you Cocaine Mitch!) could not give a rip what the America people actually want.  They think our #1 priority is Ukraine and their freedom & borders, not America's!

They are DC scum and deserve our scorn.  But how do we get our country back from these grifter scumbags?

When have the conservatives ever listened to Americans and then developed, communicated and campaigned on a specific agenda to help the country? 

Well, Newt Gingrich and the Republicans outlined the Contract with America in 1994 and that worked out pretty good, right? 

What is the conservative/MAGA movement going to be headed into 2024?  Well, MAGA-Mike has developed what he thinks should be the focus for the conservatives and MAGA Republicans in 2024:  The Freedom Pact with America.

Join in and listen to the plan that will be a first step to restore our freedoms that have been brazenly encroached in the past decade.

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MAGA ON Patriots!!

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